Shower Gels & Soaps




Fragrance layering starts in the bath with


shower gel or soap.  All of our ladies scents


are available in shower gels, bar soaps, and


hand soaps.  Our men's scents are also available


 in several of the bar soaps.  Both the bath soaps


and hand soaps come in a variety of mystical


shapes and sizes. We are always adding to


these, so be sure to keep checking back!














Shower Gels
















Morgana Shower Gel




















Four Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  MORSG4  $8.00







Eight Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  MORSG8  $10.00



















Isis Shower Gel






















Four Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  ISSG4  $8.00




Eight Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  ISSG8  $10.00



















Goddess Shower Gel





















Four Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  GODSG4  $8.00






Eight Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  GODSG8  $10.00



















Faery Shower Gel


















Four Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  FAESG4  $8.00






Eight Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  FAESG8  $10.00



















Witch Shower Gel




















Four Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  WTSG4  $8.00






Eight Ounce Shower Gel Item#:  WTSG8  $10.00


















Bath Bar Soaps











Dress up your bathroom in it's witchy best with our hand and bar soaps!  They make an enchanting display or, of course, a wonderfully scented bath experience!  Choose from the mystical shapes below.























































Venus of Willendorff $5 each






             Morgana Scented          Item#:  MVBAR


             Faery Scented               Item#:  FAVBAR


             Isis Scented                   Item#:  ISVBAR


             Goddess Scented           Item#:  GOVBAR


             Witch Scented               Item#:  WIVBAR



















Goddess Symbol $5 each







            Morgana Scented          Item#:  MGBAR


             Faery Scented               Item#:  FGBAR


             Isis Scented                   Item#:  ISGBAR


             Goddess Scented           Item#:  GGBAR


             Witch Scented               Item#:  WGBAR
























Dolphins $5 each









             Morgana Scented          Item#:  MDOBAR


             Faery Scented               Item#:  FDOBAR


             Isis Scented                   Item#:  ISDBAR


             Goddess Scented           Item#:  GDOBAR


             Witch Scented               Item#:  WIDBAR

















Plain Bar  $5 each


(This bar soap is also available in our men's fragrances)










              Morgana Scented          Item#:  MORBAR


             Faery Scented               Item#:  FAEBAR


             Isis Scented                   Item#:  ISBAR


             Goddess Scented           Item#:  GODBAR


             Witch Scented               Item#:  WIBAR






























Hand Soaps $8 (assorted)







Our hand soaps come in an assorted group of five in a pretty organza bag!  All of our hand soaps are in mystical shapes, and make a great gift for yourself, or the Goddess in your life!  








             Morgana Scented           Item#:  MOHAN


             Faery Scented               Item#:  FAHAN


             Isis Scented                   Item#:  ISHAN


             Goddess Scented           Item#:  GOHAN


             Witch Scented               Item#:  WIHAN